Improving Your English Speaking & Writing Skills

In this period of great globalization, the increase of highly educated, expertly trained specialists from all over the world into major U.S. companies and professions has brought to the forefront the need for better communication among diverse nationalities. Understanding the importance of communication in these companies, our team at Speech Potential Associates, LLC provides the training and skills you need to properly speak with, write and understand others in the workplace.

Foreign born professionals are seeking ways to improve their English speaking & writing skills, facing frustration in their inability to accurately and appropriately convey information in spite of their apparent command of the English language. We help reduce this frustration caused by accents  providing critical, clear, and effective communication for those in today's business world. Companies recognize good communication skills as a priority and have started investing in the language training of their key employees.

What You're Working Toward

Maximize Your Potential In the Professional World:
• Co-workers, Supervisors, Clients, and Customers often Misjudge People With Strong Accents and/or Non-Standard English Speaking Styles
• Employees with Foreign or Regional Accents and/or Dialects Often Face Corporate Barriers
• Faulty Communication Wastes Time and can be Costly
• Good Communication Creates a Positive Image, and Saves Time and Money

Consulting Session in the Tech Industry

Speech Potential Associates, LLC Provides Personalized Instruction To:
• Reduce Accents and Dialects to Meet Specific Business and Social Communication Needs
• Improve English Speaking & Writing Skills to Increase Confidence
• Improve Pronunciation, Intonation, and Grammar
• Improve Effectiveness of Communication and Make Speech an Asset
• Improve Writing Skills to Optimize Communication Skills

• The Ability to Communicate More Effectively in English
• Increased Confidence
• Enhanced Career Opportunities
• Increased Productivity
• Greater Meeting Participation
• Improved Presentations
• Better Phone Communication
• Improved Written Communication